φῶς (Phõs)
1 John 1:5
"And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us." 1 John 3:23 This year, a group of men from the Spanish ministry went to Copataza, the Ecuadorian jungle to serve the church. The missionaries sent letters to raise funds and our congregation of Immanuel Bible participated in the Yard Sale to raise funds. The mission trip ended with the construction of a children's room for the church, the septic system, and concrete steps to the mission house, donations of clothes, shoes, and other things, and teaching the church in Quito. Yard Sale For the Yard Sale, the congregation donated clothing, home utensils and many other things over the course of a month and a half. The day prior to the Yard Sale, volunteers from the ministry gathered to organize the things in the Gym. There were tables for children's, women's, and men's clothes, utensils, and much more. The day of the Yard Sale, May 20th, the volunteers moved the tables to the parking lot. They came very early in the morning! During the day, the volunteers served in various areas like the sale of things and food. There was security, first aid, and evangelism, too. The children presented worship songs. It was a day of great blessing and fellowship. The Missionary Trip June 9 - The missionaries gathered with their families to pray in church and departed to the airport at around 9pm. They took five additional luggages with a solar panel, donations for the church in Copataza. June 10 - They arrived in Quito, Ecuador at around 11am. Daniel Rogers, field leader picked them up, and they had lunch at the Biblical Ecuadorian Missionary Institute (IBME). They stayed in the students' dorms. June 11 - After their devotional, they participated in the men's Bible study and the Sunday service at the Biblical Christian Church of Pomasky. They departed to Shell, journey to the jungle. They stayed in Shell for the night. June 12 - After their devotional, they left to Copataza, the jungle. Some missionaries got sick, and there was a dangerous situation along the way where they had to jump at the back of the bus to climb a narrow path. When they reached Copataza, they built their tents in the church and started the frames for the steps, the septic system and the children's room. They had dinner at missionaries David and Mayra Lechón's house. June 13 - David joined the devotional. They finished the frames for all three places. It was a long day of work. After bathing in the river, they had dinner with David and Mayra. June 14 - The missionaries formed groups to put the gravel, sand, and cement (concrete) in the steps. They formed a line to take the concrete to the highest part of the steps. After finishing the steps, they finished the top part of the septic system. Then they finished two parts of the children's room. David and Mayra distributed the donations to the children. June 15 - The missionaries finished the third part of the children's room. It was hard work since they were exhausted by now. Daniel and Pastor Juan departed to Shell at around 2pm, in order to arrive at the conference in Quito. The rest of the missionaries spent time of fellowship and sang with the brothers and sisters of the church. The brothers and sisters worshiped in their native tongue, Shuar. The missionaries installed Interlink, a satellite connection to the Internet and left the majority of their belongings, the radios, and the rocket stove for the church. June 16 - The team departed to Shell at around 4am. Daniel and Pastor Juan arrived in Quito at around 1:30pm. Pastor Juan gave the first lesson of the conference which was titled, "Worker Who Doesn't Need to Be Ashamed" (2 Timothy 2:15). The team reached Quito minutes before the beginning of the conference. June 17 - Part of the team woke up sick. The missionaries gave a class on electrical maintenance and construction to the brothers in church. Pastor Juan gave his second lesson at the conference which was titled, "Worker Who Teaches Correctly the Word of God" (2 Timothy 2:15). June 18 - After attending church, they had lunch at the Rogers'. They departed Quito and arrived in Panama. The flight was delayed by four hours, but they were able to fly back to Virginia. June 19 - They arrived in northern Virginia at around 6:30am. Some missionaries arrived with the flu and had to go to the doctor. Thanks to the Lord, they are doing well now. What follows is a video of the trip: If you would like to donate to this ministry, please fill out this online form.
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