Pastor Juan Ancalle
Juan Ancalle is happily married to Lilian C. Ancalle and they have 6 children (Lilian , Angela R., Daniela, Juan, Miguel, and Ingrid). Juan was born in Bolivia in 1960, received the Lord Jesus as his Savior in 1968, and was baptized in 1976. He graduated as an electrical engineer from the Technical University of Oruro and the La Paz Bible Seminary of Bolivia. He was called to the ministry in 1986, serving the Lord Jesus for 23 years as a Pastor. After having served as director of Hispanic Ministries at Immanuel since 2005, he was called as Pastor of Hispanic Ministries in March, 2007. Prior to coming to Immanuel, Juan served as Pastor, Montclair Tabernacle Church of God Hispanic Ministry, Dumfries, Virginia 2003–2005, and Senior Pastor, New Jerusalem Christian Evangelical Church, Oruro, Bolivia 1986–1999. Juan notes that "clear teaching and preaching of the Word of God is necessary to help Latino believers grow in the Lord: winning the unbelievers in the community, consolidating them in their faith in Jesus, followed by a discipleship process and preparing them to be leaders to extend the Kingdom of God. I believe the church is called to encourage the integration of the Latino community with the rest of the congregation and with the general society." |
Mario Butrón, Men's Ministry
Ana Ugalde y Liz Zalles, Women's Ministry Ricardo y Febe Chávez, Sunday School Harold y Claudia Figallo, Children's Dedication and Baptism Pablo Ugalde y Osvaldo Zalles, ABF, Todos Juntos Lilian Ancalle y Claudia Figallo, Immanuel Bible Institute Nora Jones, Prayer |
Felipe Rivera, Ushers
Harold Figallo, Welcome Ministry Ana Ugalde, Communications and Video Mario y Delma Butrón, International & Domestic Missions Juan F. Ancalle, Sound (AVL) Daniela Ancalle, Presentations (AVL) Federico Carreira, Security |
6911 Braddock Road Springfield, VA 22151 703-941-4124 (general) 703-813-2053 (ministerio en español) |
Contact Us
6911 Braddock Road Springfield, VA 22151 703-941-4124 (general) 703-813-2053 (Spanish Ministry) |