φῶς (Phõs)
1 John 1:5
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 This Fall 2022, the Spanish Ministry began using its trailer again to evangelize on the parking lot of the Backlick Road Train Station, a place where there is a Flea Market. People who come to buy things at the Flea Market get to hear the gospel. The first time that we went there was in the Spring of 2021. We go on Spring and Fall. We use the ministry’s trailer (see pictures below) which was equipped with all the necessities for the day such as Bibles, tracts, tables, chairs, water bottles, sound equipment, and more. Brothers from the ministry volunteer their cars to pick it up and take it to the location early in the morning. Thank God for their faithfulness! This Fall, we kicked off the beginning of evangelizing at this location by having an evangelism training on September 10th (see picture below). We didn’t start until September 24th since On The Rock (men’s ministry in Spanish) was going to California to hear the Word of God at the Expositor’s Conference. After September 24th, we continued going every Saturday and plan to end on October 29th. We go from 5am to 1pm every Saturday. We have different teams that come throughout the day to support the work of the ministry. The first team comes early in the morning to take the trailer to the location. Another team helps with set up. At 6am, we enjoy a time of Bible reading, teaching, and prayer with coffee, chocolate, and special treats. At 7am, we set up the evangelism material. At 8am, we begin the work. At 12:45pm, we discuss what we’ve learned. At 1pm, we clean up and take the trailer back. The team wears green shirts as seen on one of the pictures below. Different teams come and go throughout the day. Others decide to stay all day. We share the gospel in English and Spanish. We spend time sharing the gospel and time of fellowship with our brothers and sisters. If you would like to donate to this ministry, please fill out this online form.
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AuthorMinistry in Spanish of IBC. ArchivesCategories |
6911 Braddock Road Springfield, VA 22151 703-941-4124 (general) 703-813-2053 (ministerio en español) |
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6911 Braddock Road Springfield, VA 22151 703-941-4124 (general) 703-813-2053 (Spanish Ministry) |